PPG Minutes of November 2023 Meeting




Present: AA Deputy Chair, AC, PC, BS, AM, JR Secretary
Jen Nicholls Practice Manager. Hilary Asante Social Prescriber, Jaz Kundi (Healthwatch)

1. Apologies


2. Minutes from the last Meeting

Accepted without amendment


3. Matters Arising

No Matters Arising from minutes of last meeting.

AA to stay as Chairperson temporarily.

Jen to contact KC.

3 new members will be invited to attend meetings.

BS has been helping PC and JR at Flu/COVID clinics.

James Middleditch is ensuring the Newsletter meets standards required to be uploaded to Website. Website information needs to meet the correct requirements/legislation.

Jen will speak to James Middleditch and James Kite


4. Social Prescriber

Hilary Asante attended the meeting to give information on the role of the Social Prescriber.

  • Social Prescribing was introduced to the NHS in 2019 to support people with long term health conditions.
  • It serves all ages, whole population
  • Have one or more health condition
  • Need support with low level Mental Health issues
  • Lonely or isolated
  • Have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing,
  • Financial support – signposting to correct social groups etc.
  • Banbury Alliance, send referrals/ refer self
  • Teach patients not to rely solely on medication
  • Refer Patients to Tai Chi weekly for help. Mind, Cruise, achieve Oxfordshire and help with smoking cessation.

5. Staffing

  • Dr. Parmvir Dhoot is increasing her hours.
  • Dr.Huda is leaving due to location
  • Dr. Rosie Ali -new salaried GP
  • Dr. Emma Fish Regular Locum GP
  • GP recruitment continues to be positive.
  • All Locums are regular

Nursing Staff

  • New Nursing Manager – Rozanne Seeney starts 23rd February 2024
  • Mary Jenkins – starts 2nd February 2024 as Senior Practice Nurse
  • 5 HCA”S have been recruited
  • Interviews for a new Director of General Practice are being carried out on the 6th December.
  • Carolyn Abbosongi is acting up as PML CEO

6. Protected Learning

The surgery will close one afternoon 10 times during the year for Protected Learning Time (PLT), not during the Summer or December.


7. Compliments, Complaints and Feedback

  • 86 % are likely to recommend BCHC
  • There has been some Facebook negativity recently.
  • Small number of formal complaints

8. Jaz Kundi (Healthwatch)

  • Leaflet sent to TC – to be known in Banbury a promotion leaflet for PPG
  • 68 PPG’s in Oxfordshire.
  • BOB ICB- Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire Ingtegrated Care Board.
  • Health and wellbeing strategy.
  • Cost of living
  • More green spaces. Ideas have been sent to County Council to makes improvements in green spaces.

9. AOB

  • Cancelling of appointments – A way of doing this as a friend of JN couldn’t cancel. Jen Nicholls will action a comms around this.
  • Doctor appointments – If you need to see a GP as you are acutely unwell your appointment may not be with your usual GP.
  • PC was impressed with the follow up after being treated with Steroids. She received a text asking if she was improved.
  • McMillan Coffee mornings with AA arranging, and BCHC PPG volunteers and Staff plusduring the Pandemic it was held at Wykham Park farm and Deddindton Parish Church, £1,559 has been raised for McMillan.
  • Car park There is 15 minutes after parking to put car registration into device. This is between 8am and 6pm. New signage will be needed in the car park for the changes.

Next Meeting 18th January 2024 @ 6:00pm