PPG Minutes of May 2024 Meeting




Present: AA Deputy Chair, PC, AC, PM, JJ, CM, BS, JR Secretary, James Middleditch Business Support Manager), Cathy Tucky BCHC, Tasha Fell (Pharmacy Technician), Jaz Kundi (Oxfordshire Healthwatch)
On behalf of Banbury Cross Health Centre: TC
Apologies: JN

Minutes from the last Meeting

Minutes of the April meeting were approved unanimously


Matters Arising

  • BT not coping with quantity of calls to BCHC on a Monday morning and when people ring in it is just a BT message and not a connection to the surgery.
  • BCHC confirmed they have written to KC.

PPG Constitution

  • To assist on developments and continual improvement of the Practice.
  • PPG is Patient voice.
  • The following PPG members need copies of the new Constitution. JJ, BS, CM and PM.
  • A Virtual PPG for members would only be set up should there be more than 20 members.
  • Jaz to supply Constitutions from other surgeries.
  • To be checked by 3-4 members and compare to Constitutions from other surgeries.

New PPG email and password

  • AC has set up a  new recovery email address, will be arranged with Hannah

PPG Email Address

We know have a dedicated PPG email address BCHC.PPG@gmail.com. TC will have control over this and decide who is able to access it.


Contact Centre

Cathy – Call Centre Senior attended and answered questions and gave information on the Team and the work they do.

  • The team consists of 16 Staff - 2 Seniors and Call Handlers.
  • They deal with many things including test results and work alongside GP’s and Management.
  • Trained by the GP’s on what to ask Patients and best Clinician to signpost to.
  • New System – Routine, pre - booked in advance, and on the day appointments.
  • Training from GP’s to know what is considered an on the day need.
  • Appointments get pushed back, as people don’t want to see a Clinician more beneficial to their needs they want to see a GP.
  • The Staff split their shifts, 8am – 4pm shift and a couple will do the later shift
  • Call Staff to be increased in a couple of months.
  • Triage form goes to Contact Staff and to determine whether an on the day or future appointment is needed, and member of Staff to be seen.
  • Senior assigns a person to triage forms, these forms are monitored constantly.
  • Patient can fill in the triage form during the night if necessary and these will be looked at first thing in the morning.
  • Waiting list - implemented as changing routine appointments.
  • Triage is used to signpost patients to the appropriate Clinician. If the patient asks for a particular Doctor, they will be put on their waiting list, Some do ask for this and don’t arrive for their appointment.
  • Cathy will provide information for the Newsletter.

Jaz Kundi Oxfordshire Healthwatch

  • PPG’s – Report on how PPG’s should be working.
  • Survey is out about Hospital Discharges – report to be written.
  • Oral Health and Autism in children.
  • Voice for the people.
  • Covers 5 areas


  • Practice Manager- There is an advertisement out for a Business and Operational Manager.
  • Dr Das – Promoted – He is running the Diabetes Team
  • Dr Smit – level 4 and Specialising in Women’s problems.
  • Dr Krishna – Joining the surgery in June.
  • A Diabetes Lead Nurse is being recruited.
  • A new Health Care Assistant is in post.
  • There are 5 remote locums who cover extended hours including evenings. This exists for people who can’t take calls during the day and accommodate them out of hours. They are employed by BCHC and can cover every aspect of Patient care.
  • A meeting is being held re: the benefits of working at BCHC, attending Wellbeing days, study days etc,
  • There are 15 full time – Salaried GPs

Complaints, Compliments and Feedback

  • Complaints reported are still approximately 45 a month
  • Most of the complaints relate to Secondary care (Hospital)
  • Friends and Family feedback- was 20-30 ma month and now runs at 700 a month. Currently running at Good or Very Good – target 84%.
  • James will produce a Patient report for April on categories of complaints.


  • If anyone would like to do a piece for the Summer newsletter, please let AC know.


  • AA reported good service from Simon at Connect Health.

Next Meeting: Thursday 20th June 2024 at 6pm at Education Room BCHC
If anyone wishes to suggest any amendments to the minutes, can you please contact the Secretary via the following email BCHC.PPG@gmail.com