PPG Minutes of 21st March 2024 Meeting




Present: TC Chairperson AA Deputy Chair, PC, AC, AM, JN, PM, PC, JR Secretary, Dr Raj Gupta, Catherine Page (BCHC)





Matters Arising from minutes of last meeting 

  • KC emailed TC to say someone else wasn’t attending meeting, but didn’t discuss.
  • Emailed AA to say would not be attending meeting but not an apology.
  • Non active members will be contacted by Chairperson if they haven’t attended 4 meetings or apologised for absence.
  • TC to contact KC                     

Armed Forces Covenant

Dr Raj Gupta attended to give information on BCHC becoming a Veteran Friendly Accredited Surgery – applied for in November 2023

  • Veterans include any person who has served in the Armed Services even if only for one day.
  • There are 2.4 million Veterans in the UK 
  • 18.000 service people leave the Military annually.
  • 2.500 leave on medical grounds annually. 
  • 75.000 Veterans are working age in the UK.

Two principles are that it recognises the unique obligations of the sacrifices made by the armed forces.

  1. Those who serve in the Forces regular or reserve or those who served in the past should face no disadvantage compared to other citizens from public and commercial services.
  2. Special consideration is appropriate in some cases after bereavement or injury.
  • 523% of veterans have long term disability/health problems
  • 16% have mental health problems/PTSD 8% rising to 17%
  • Operation Courage - Veterans mental health and wellbeing service.
  • A Facebook campaign to get Veterans to come forward. There are 92 on system currently.
  • Posters will be on show around the Practice, leaflet with tips for military veterans-How to get the most from your GP. 


  • New GP is starting mid-April
  • GP’s still being advertised for 
  • One Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP). Left in March and another ANP returned to Clinical work.
  • A new Receptionist is currently being recruited.
  • Recruiting has improved generally.

Complaints, Compliments and Feedback

  • No formal complaints reported
  • Friends and family feedback last month – 86% were Good/Very 


  • Catherine will supply campaigns and? Age UK
  • Age UK to be asked to write a piece for the Newsletter
  • Information – Making appointment on NHS App

Any Other Business

  • Dr Gupta – A recent outage caused the recent problems with the lifts. He will take the problems on board.
  • JN had a routine blood test appointment, she had a request for an extra phial for research, the collection was for Public Health, the Clinician didn’t know about the research.
  • There is a mole clinic, but not a general dermatology clinic.
  • AC reported the unsatisfactory treatment and outcomes from Connect Health. The poor service has been experienced generally by those who have been referred to them. Doctor Raj Gupta will speak to Dr Haynes. Individuals should complain separately.
  • Contact Centre- to be asked to attend the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 18th April 2024 at 6pm in the Education Room at BCHC