PPG Minutes of April 2024 Meeting




Present: AA Deputy Chair, PC, AC, AM, JN, PM, PC, CM, JR Secretary, Jen Nicholls Practice Manager 
On behalf of Banbury Cross Health Centre: TC
Apologies: KC

Minutes from the last Meeting

Minutes of the March meeting were approved unanimously


Matters Arising

  • Jen is writing to KC


  • One Practice Nurse has resigned and working in the Community.
  • Funding has been secured for a Diabetic Nurse.
  • New GP called Emma is joining BCHC in September
  • There has been success in recruitment of GP’s there have been a lot of applicants.
  • A very experienced GP is joining in July and will be working 4 days a week.
  • BCHC is a GP training Surgery and most are from Oxford University. Some of these trainees do stay on when trained.
  • Jen Nicholls Practice Manager is leaving on the 24th April, to be replaced by 
  • Malcolm Benson – Business Manager. She has been a huge asset to BCHC.
  • There are over 42.000 patients and there is to be a move from the normal GP Practice structure. Many changes.
  • Input needed from PPG on experiences

Complaints, Compliments and Feedback

  • No formal complaints reported
  • James Middleton deals with Complaints
  • Feedback continues so the Staff can listen and learn – to enable best service.
  • Dr Kennard to be asked to the meeting and to make a video to explain Triage and how the system works. 
  • BT are unable to cope with the number of calls to the surgery on a Monday morning.


  • Catherine will supply campaigns and? Age UK
  • Age UK are willing to write a piece for the Newsletter
  • Information – Making appointment on NHS App
  • Donald McIver to be asked for a piece on the Pharmacists at the surgery and their role.
  • Dr Gupta to be asked to provide information on BCHC becoming a “Veteran Friendly Accredited Surgery”
  • The newsletter will be circulated at the end of May.


  • Jen reported the surgery has done almost 100.000 COVID vaccines, more than the Kassam Stadium.  Amazing statistic. 
  • Membership has been renewed with National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP)
  • Thank you from Jen – Amazing surgery, best GP’s, blessed with good GP’s many are Oxford trained, best Staff, the past couple of years have been a team effort to become an award - winning Practice, and the PPG representing the surgery.
  • Thank you to Jen for her support, and in getting us back on track as a PPG after the Pandemic years. Good luck in your new role. 
  • ? re: booking online appointments.
  • Constitution will be on agenda for May.
  • PB has applied to the PPG.
  • Lanyards to be ordered.

Next Meeting: Thursday 16th May 2024 at 6pm at Education Room BCHC
If anyone wishes to suggest any amendments to the minutes, can you please contact the Secretary via the following email BCHC.PPG@gmail.com