PPG Minutes of 21st November 2024 Meeting




Present:   TC Chair, AA Deputy Chair, PC, AC, JN, BS, PM, JJ, JR Secretary, James Middleditch (BCHC), Dr Ann Sanders (BCHC), Kevin Murphy (Senior Practice Manager)
Apologies: PCW, CM

Kevin Murphy (Senior Practice Manager) introduced himself to the group.

  1. Worked in Health Care sector for 28 years
  2. Secondary care – MRI, CT and other services.
  3. Primary Care Practices for the last 10 years.
  • He is looking at every area of the Practice
  • Focus, support, challenge people, plus morale for the team.
  • Care for Patients.

Minutes from the last Meeting

Minutes - of the October meeting were approved unanimously


Matters Arising

  • MacMillan coffee morning - the amount raised from the coffee morning was £486.00, thanks to all who helped and contributed.


  • 140 Staff in total, made up of Clinicians and Administration Staff.
  • 4 new GP’s have now started. 2 started this week.
  • A Diabetes Nurse joined the team this month.
  • GP’s numbers are improving and there are 5 GP’s in training at the surgery.
  • The website is up to date with all new Staff.

Complaints, Compliments and Feed

  • As no member of Staff side were present there was no update available.                                 

Discussion of proposed Survey - Dr Sanders

  • Two main things identified as a problem 
  1. Patient access
  2. Preferred Clinician 
  • It is important that the same Clinician is seen at each visit for continuity of care.
  • A new questionnaire will be given to patients attending appointments, which they will fill in before they leave, there will be a box for collection of the forms. Questionnaire to be made easier with 3 multiple choice questions.
  • 11.000 people were arrived into the system on arrival for appointments in October, on that basis the questionnaire will reach a wide area of the Patient population.

Election of Members

  • All existing members voted onto committee for 5 years from 1st January 2025     


  1. Over 100,000 COVID Vaccinations have been administered since December 2020.
  2. Reminder to register your car is needed by the check in screen.
  3. 75% of people go to reception desk instead of booking in at check in machine.
  4. Educate people who don’t mind using the check in machine.
  5. The list size has increased overall in the last 3 monthsby 80 Patients
  6. Kevin to take forward the teaching of Patients to use the NHS app.

Information – PML Head Office is in Bicester - Central Services, CEO, Finance Based there.

Next Meeting: Thursday 16th January 2025 at 6pm at Education Room BCHC