PPG Minutes of 19th September 2024 Meeting




Present:  TC Chair, AA Deputy Chair, PC, JN, CM, BS, JL, JR Secretary, JL (prospective new member) Catherine Page (BCHC)
Apologies: AC, PCW

Minutes from the last Meeting

Minutes - of the August meeting were approved unanimously


Matters Arising

  • No Matters Arising from August minutes


  • Two new GPs started in September. Dr Atwal and Dr Farhat. One for 8 sessions and one for 6 sessions...
  • Two more GP’s will be starting in October.
  • A Locum Nurse is helping with long term condition checks.
  • A new Diabetic Nurse has been appointed.
  • A new Receptionist started mid - September.         

Complaints, Compliments and Feed

  • Friends and Family responses are up again and complaints are fairly low for August.
  • There are complaints on the Internet which are not recorded at BCHC.
  • 26 people made complaints to BCHC in August
  • Contact Centre will fill in forms for people who can’t use Technology for booking appointments so access is equitable.                           

Fire Procedures

  • No Staff member at August meeting and the worry was how members of the group would exit the building in the event of a fire.
  • Training for Volunteers who help at the Vaccination clinics.
  • James Middleditch maybe to give fire evacuation information at a future meeting.

GPs attending PPG meetings

  • It was suggested that a GP could attend the meetings, the new GPs would get to meet members and see how the PPG works.
  • The average GP has 2,294 patients on their list according to a report TC shared at the meeting - not clear how many sessions this average relates to.

McMillan Coffee and cake morning

  • This will be held on the 27th September, results in October.

Managers and Prospective Roles

  • Management roles remain vacant at this time


  • Election for Chairperson for following year at next meeting.
  • PC mentioned being on vulnerable list for NHS and not BCHC. Advised to contact Surgery and they will be able to look into what is appropriate. Re: Covid management. Eligibility can vary between campaigns and also depending on circumstances e.g. Medications at the time. 
  • Sometimes medication won’t be on surgery records if prescribed by the Hospital. Sometimes BCHC get letters from Consultants advising a Patient needs a Covid vaccination.

Next Meeting: Thursday 17th October 2024 at 6pm at Education Room BCHC