PPG Minutes of 17th October 2024 Meeting




Present:   TC Chair, AA Deputy Chair, PC, BS, JJ, JR Secretary, James Middleditch (BCHC), Dr Ann Sanders (BCHC)

Apologies: AC, PCW, PM, CM, JN

Minutes from the last Meeting

Minutes - of the September meeting were approved unanimously


Matters Arising

  • No Matters Arising from September minutes


  • Senior Practice Manager Kevin Murphy starts on Wednesday 23rd October.
  • Two Management roles to be filled.
  • Two long term Locum GPs are joining the team as permanent Staff – Dr Latif and Dr Hafeez.
  • Dr Drury and Dr Nazeer are joining the team in November too.
  • The Staffing situation has improved, also have a Diabetes Nurse who will be starting in November.
  • Staff are being recruited to the Contact Centre.
  • There is a robust Induction process for new staff.
  • There is a recommended list size for GP’s, this is not easy to keep to. BOB ICB (Bucks, Oxfordshire and Berkshire Integrated Care Board) don’t like Doctors/Surgeries to close their lists. 

Complaints, Compliments and Feed

  • 27 people made complaints to BCHC in September and 12 at this point in October.
  • GP Surveys were sent out to patients at random and only 112 people responded. Compared to Windrush, and as only 112 people responded it is not a good comparison.
  • Managing expectations based on resource and system limitations.
  • PPG to work with Practice to help improve.
  • Sessions to educate people on using data and how to use the appointment system.
  • Videos to be added to website with information.
  • Survey to be made easier with multiple choice questions                           

Election of Chairperson for 2025 

  • TC re- elected to Chair until the end of 2025 
  • Next month there will be a vote on members.

PPG Contract

  • BCHC legally bound to have a Patient Participation Group (PPG) that meets at regular times through the year.
  • Representative of Patient population
  • 20 members in group and if over this amount there will be a virtual group,
  • Work together for the benefit of Patients.

National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP)

  • Subscription has risen from £40 to £80 and not renewing membership.
  • Webinar Hannah to send recording.

Macmillan Coffee morning

  • Thank you to Surgery Staff and PPG members for all their support in providing some lovely cakes and donations and to the Patients who donated and enjoyed the cakes.
  • £214.00 was made in the cash boxes and PML have donated £238.00 to match the total donations raised as at 3/10/24, a full update of money raised will be updated in November when all figures are in.  


  1. Fire safety - James has advised if there are ever any meetings and there are no Staff at the meeting at 6pm don’t stay for meeting.
  2. As no December meeting we will have a short social time at the November meeting.

Next Meeting: Thursday 21st November 2024 at 6pm at Education Room BCHC