Minutes of PPG Meeting 18.08.2022



Attendees: TC, AM, KC, JN, PC, AC, JN, TS, GA (Virtual)
Apologies: JH, JR, Jane?

1. Minutes of the last meeting

1.1 N.A.P.P- We are looking at getting affiliated with N.A.P.P, we need to agree who is going to be elected into the key roles before this can happen. Volunteers please.

1.2 Minutes on website- The PPG Minutes are now on the website under our PPG designated section for members of the public to read. These will be anonymised using initials.

1.3 No amendments made or discussed further from the last meeting.

2. Matters Arising

2.1 Air Conditioning at BCHC- PC mentioned that she had heard complaints from patients regarding the lack of air conditioning in the practice, especially during hot days. PC further mentioned that the fans around the practice don't seem to help as it blows hot air around. TS and JN both explained to the group that this issue lies with Assura as they own the building, and it would be a large undertaking to implement this. TS is going to liaise with SI to speak with Assura again.  AC also mentioned ‘night-time cooling', TS to check if the building has this but unlikely.

2.2 BCHC signage- PC stated that patients have noted that signage up the Oxford Road is not clear. TS explained that this lies with the council. TS to liaise with the council again to push for further signage.

2.3 Lease date of building- TS explained that we have a break clause in our contract with Assura within 5 years, however, to get another building in the centre of town as large as this would be very difficult.

2.4 BCHC Name- Banbury Health Centre continues to confuse some patients as they think we are based in the building in town. Explained we have done all we can to ensure that patients are aware of our location and that Google is updated accordingly.

3. Staffing

3.1 HCAs- We have successfully arranged some interviews with prospective HCAs, this will in turn improve appointments as we will be able to take some HCA appts off of the nurses and offer a wider variety of nurse appointments such as smears, women's health etc.

3.2 GP Advert- We have a new GP advert out to improve the number of applicants that we are currently receiving, however, JN explained that the issue is more with the fact there is a national shortage of GP's and we are facing the same recruitment issues as every other primary care provider in that respect.

3.3 Medical Director- Mark Gray has joined us as our new medical director. He will be joining us on Fridays to offer some sessions, which will help us with capacity.

3.4 Recruitment Page- We have a new recruitment page on the website, which we are promoting on our Facebook page.

3.5 Business Support Manager- ET has been newly appointed as our complaints manager.

3.6 CEO- Andy Camp is stepping in as PML interim CEO.

4. Decision on positions as per the constitution

4.1 Positions- Positions discussed amongst the PPG members in attendance. JN/ET to email current members to ask for volunteers to come forward to fill these positions. If no volunteers, we will set up an electronic vote. JN offered to be Chair, however, it was agreed amongst attendees that it should be a PPG member to fill this position, so there will need to a volunteer for this.

5. Virtual Group and list of patients wanting to join PPG.

5.1 Virtual group- Many options discussed amongst PPG members as to how we can facilitate an online group for PPG members. Discussed having either all virtual, all face to face or option of both. Teams would open up group to different members, those with disabilities who are unable to leave the house, younger members etc. No definite decision made of this but seemed to lie more with the option of including virtual with F2F.

5.2 Existing members- Seems to be the same core group of PPG members who attend. ET to email current members to ask if they still want to be involved in PPG, if not, we will offer the place up to someone on waiting list. Give people a fortnight window to respond. It was agreed amongst members that we will increase member number to 20 from 14/15. Agreed to check-in quarterly to ensure that members still want to be included. ET to include in email option for F2F or virtual attendance preference.

5.3 Variety of members- It was discussed that we should encourage a more diverse group to reflect our diverse patient population.

5.4 Teams Group- We discussed seeing up a team's group for PPG members. This would allow us to add in documents such as minutes and agenda, set up online link to join meetings etc. ET to look at organising once list of members has been finalised.

6. Access to patient records on NHS app

6.1 Patient access- PC raised some issues patients/ herself have shared regarding the app. Has prompted them to update/ confirm their telephone number. Also limited access on the app. JN explained that patients only have access to certain amount of information and that if you would like access to more, you would need to apply for this through us. JN explained that we don't have full control over patient access or NHS app and that only some issues can be resolved by our reception team if they are made aware of the same.

7. AOB

7.1 Research proposal- GA shared with the group details of a research project she has been approached to take part in. GA is at application stage currently. 3 phares of research over 3 years, looking at rapid swab testing and how we can integrate this into primary care. This research could help to detect respiratory issues, flu symptoms and provide earlier diagnosis.

7.2 Internal staff awareness- Mentioned that one of the PPG members had contacted us about some research, however, the staff member they spoke to was not aware of this and/or said they were not eligible to take part in research. JN explained that not all staff are aware of everything going on as there is so much and this change regularly. We also have a designated research team who are able to answer any questions and that we have specific cohorts of patients to focus on.

7.3 PPG guests speakers- Discussed variety of people we could invite to come and speak to the PPG, JK regarding call centre information, Andy Camp Chief Executive, Emma from Healthwatch.

7.4 Next Meeting 15th September 2022.